To thrive in the increasingly competitive world of financial services, you need information that enables the right strategies. Performance Analytics provides you with new product ideas, growth strategies, pricing insights, profitability measurement and actionable insights based on your institution’s unique data. Twice yearly, you’ll receive a detailed performance and opportunities report, customized for your financial institution by our team of analysts. In addition, your institution will have the opportunity to participate in workshops where you can review results for your organization.
The performance and opportunities report is an extensive, semiannual diagnostic review of your institution’s operational and financial performance. Our goal is to help your institution identify and prioritize future efforts that will deliver the greatest revenue and growth benefits. In addition to providing household and financial data, Raddon analyzes the following areas of your organization:
Branch Optimization
Organizational Efficiency
Uplift Metrics
Share of Wallet
The Crystal Performance Award recognizes credit unions for achieving a top 10 ranking based on the Raddon Performance Index™, a balanced scorecard measurement of growth, income, efficiency and margin management. Each year, more than 500 credit unions are evaluated for the Crystal Performance Award through the Performance Analytics program. Each of the winners ranks among the top 2% to 3% of all credit unions analyzed by Raddon for two consecutive reporting periods.
To be eligible for the Crystal Performance Award, a credit union must participate in the Performance Analytics program for an in-depth analysis of the credit union’s financials, sales, products and member household relationships. The top credit unions are recognized in two asset classes based on their performance: credit unions above $1 billion and below $1 billion in assets. By benchmarking performance against their peers, credit union leaders can understand their competitive advantages and develop more effective strategies and approaches to member service.
“The Crystal Performance Awards are a measure of individual credit union success, and also give a holistic perspective of the entire industry,” said Bill Handel, general manager and chief economist at Raddon. “We see that even in the face of recovery from the pandemic and a whole new slate of challenges on the horizon, credit unions continue to adapt and embrace innovative ways of delivering financial services. Their commitment to delivering outstanding performance on behalf of their members is impressive, and recognizing their success is positive for Raddon and our industry.”
2900 Westside Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30004
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